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Tag: vision loss

Researchers Identify 3 New Eye Complications Related to the Zika Virus

Research conducted by scientists studying infants with the Zika virus in Brazil have discovered new dangerous eye complications that can be linked to the virus. These eye complications can lead to possible severe vision loss and even possibly complete vision loss. Three Brazilian infants that have microcephaly—a birth defect caused by Zika that causes shrunken… Read More

5 Things You Can Do To Protect Your Vision From Macular Degeneration

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a very common eye condition among senior citizens. AMD damages your central vision, which makes it difficult to recognize faces, write, read, paint, and do really anything that involves making out the small details. This makes it a real problem for the older crowd. Thankfully, today we have devised some… Read More

5 Things You Can Do To Protect Your Vision From Macular Degeneration

Created on: Thursday, February 18, 2016 Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a very common eye condition among senior citizens. AMD damages your central vision, which makes it difficult to recognize faces, write, read, paint, and do really anything that involves making out the small details. This makes it a real problem for the older crowd…. Read More

Just How Serious Are Eye Floaters?

Created on: Monday, October 26, 2015 Eye floaters are most commonly caused by the separation of the vitreous body from the inner walls of the eye. As you age, the vitreous gel in your eye liquefies and shrinks, thus weakening the inner wall. When the vitreous detaches it begins to condense—this causes the floaters the… Read More

The Three Types of Cataracts and What you should be on the Lookout For

Created on: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Most people over the age of 40 that suffer vision loss are developing cataracts. Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness throughout the entire world. The number of cases of cataracts far eclipse the amount of glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy cases combined! There are three types of… Read More